We will begin this lesson in Acts 21:1 "And it came to pass, that
after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a
straight course unto Coos, and the [day] following unto Rhodes, and
from thence unto Patara:"

    We see, here, Luke using we again. It appears that Luke was on
this journey with Paul. They left Miletus and the elders from Asia.
Coos was a small island in the Aegean sea. Rhodes is an island in the
Mediterranean sea. Patara was a seaport on the coast of Lycia. These
were not places where Paul stopped and ministered. They were on his
way to Jerusalem.

    Acts 21:2 "And finding a ship sailing over unto Phenicia, we went
aboard, and set forth."

    This is an area on the Northeast side of the Mediterranean. It is
near Lebanon and near Galilee.

    Acts 21:3 "Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the
left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre: for there the
ship was to unlade her burden."

    Paul was working his way toward Jerusalem.  Now he is on the
coast.  He is just a short journey from Jerusalem.  He had ministered
in all of these areas here earlier and was well known.

    Acts 21:4 "And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who
said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to

    These disciples, like Paul, had been told by the Holy Spirit that
Paul will be imprisoned, if he goes to Jerusalem. Even though they are
strong believers and they know it is the will of God for this to
happen, they still (in the flesh) do not want this to happen. They
visited together seven days.

    Acts 21:5 "And when we had accomplished those days, we departed
and went our way; and they all brought us on our way, with wives and
children, till [we were] out of the city: and we kneeled down on the
shore, and prayed."

    Here again, this is a sad parting. They went as far as they could
with Paul. He was loved by all: men, women, and children. Here again,
kneeling on the shore before he leaves Paul is probably praying for
his people. He must leave and he places them in God's hands.

    Acts 21:6 "And when we had taken our leave one of another, we took
ship; and they returned home again."

    This just explains that these disciples, that had come out to see
Paul off, went back to Tyre. Notice again, that Luke is still with
Paul here, because he again says we took ship.
    Acts 21:7 "And when we had finished [our] course from Tyre, we
came to Ptolemais, and saluted the brethren, and abode with them one

    We see, that their sailing trip was over and they were near their
destination. Ptolemais is the ancient name for Accho.

    Acts 21:8 "And the next [day] we that were of Paul's company
departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of
Philip the evangelist, which was [one] of the seven; and abode with

    They seemed to be now travelling by land.  Ptolemais is not far
from Caesarea (probably two days on foot). Philip had been ministering
in this place, and now it appears he has settled down to live here.
He had previously been a deacon in Jerusalem, but because of all the
problems there, Philip had begun to go out as an evangelist. How large
the party with Paul that abode with Philip is, we do not know. This,
perhaps, is saying there were just seven evangelist at this time.

    Acts 21:9 "And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did

    We see, here, that Philip had four daughters who were preachers.
Notice, that Paul does not say anything to them, or to Philip about
their preaching. Paul's statement, in I Corinthians 14:34-35 and in
Timothy, has been badly misunderstood.  Paul being the bold man in the
Lord that he was, would have said something to Philip and his
daughters here, if he were really opposed to their preaching.  Paul,
himself, wrote in Galatians 3:28 that there was no male nor female
with God. We, also, read in Philippians 4:3, that Paul had women
ministers travelling with him.  This is what is spoken of in Joel
2:28-29, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out of
my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
visions:" V-29, "And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in
those days will I pour our my spirit."  We can read the very same
thing in Acts 2:17-18.  We see here two witnesses to the fact that
women will prophecy. One by Joel and one by Luke. The statement in
I Corinthians and in Timothy were both spoken by Paul and therefore
were not to be taken as established doctrine, but preference. Paul,
himself wrote in II Corinthians 13:1, "In the mouth of two or three
witnesses shall every word be established." Paul is only one person. I
really do not believe that Paul intended to imply that this was for
general practice, because all through his writings, he speaks of the
women who ministered with him.  Remember, in one instance, God sent
Paul to Philippi to minister just to the women. It was such a correct
thing to do that God gave Paul a night vision instructing him to go
there.  Paul and Lydia started a church in her home as a result of
this visit.  There was no other place to have this church meet. We
Christians have just misunderstood what Paul intended.  Again I say,
if Paul had been opposed, he would have spoken out against Philip's
four daughters who prophesied (preached). God has called women of our
day to help bring souls into the kingdom.  We can no longer hide
behind the Scripture in I Corinthians and the one Scripture in
Timothy. God will not accept that excuse any more.

    Acts 21:10 "And as we tarried [there] many days, there came down
from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus." Acts 21:11 "And when he
was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and
feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at
Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver
[him] into the hands of the Gentiles."

    This is just a confirmation of what the Holy Ghost had told Paul
every time he stopped at one of the churches. Even though Paul knows
he will be imprisoned when he gets to Jerusalem, he is headed for
Jerusalem in spite of that. Agabus was probably one of the early
seventy followers of Jesus. Agabus, being a prophet, was told by the
Holy ghost what would happen ahead of time. We see the great
dedication of Paul in this. He is going to Jerusalem, even if it means
death for him.

    Acts 21:12 "And when we heard these things, both we, and they of
that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem."

    The natural thing for all of those to do who loved Paul was to beg
him not to go, and that is just what they did.

    Acts 21:13 "Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break
mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at
Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."

    Paul wants to do the will of the Lord, even to the losing of his
life, but it is crushing Paul's heart to see them grieve over him.  He
asks them to accept his fate as being the will of God. The purposes of
God are not always understood by man.

    Acts 21:14 "And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying,
The will of the Lord be done."

    We see, here, that Luke and the others see the futility of trying
to talk Paul out of going to Jerusalem and they finally give in and
say, thy will be done, O Lord.

    Acts 21:15 "And after those days we took up our carriages, and
went up to Jerusalem." Acts 21:16 "There went with us also [certain]
of the disciples of Caesarea, and brought with them one Mnason of
Cyprus, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge."

    It seems as though a large group went with Paul to Jerusalem.  At
least they would be encouragement in his troubles. The certain
disciple from Caesarea probably included Philip. This Mnason must have
been a disciple before Stephen was stoned, or perhaps, he was of the
first seventy. This is the only mention of him, which does not leave
much information. He was, perhaps, well to do, to have a place large
enough to furnish housing for all of them. The oldness could have been
his age, also, and not how long he had been a disciple.
                           Acts 45 Questions

1.  In verse 1 we read of several towns along their route, what were
2.  What town did they leave?
3.  Where is Coos?
4.  Where is Rhodes?
5.  In verse 2, they found a ship sailing where?
6.  What place was the ship to unload?
7.  How long did Paul stay here?
8.  What message did the disciples in Tyre give Paul?
9.  Who went to the edge of the city to see Paul off?
10. What did they do on the seashore just before he sailed?
11. What is another name for Ptolemais?
12. Where was Philip's home?
13. What was special about Philip's four daughters?
14. What was the prophet's name that came down to see Paul?
15. What did he do and say to Paul?
16. When the believers heard what Agabus said, what did they try to
17. What did Paul say to the believers?
18. What did Paul say he was ready to do for the Lord?
19. When the believers saw that Paul would not be persuaded, what did
    they say?
20. How did they go to Jerusalem?
21. Who went with them?
22. Who would they stay with?
23. What kind of disciple was he called?
24. What do you think caused them to call Mnason an old disciple?
