We will begin this lesson in Isaiah 5:20  "Woe unto them that call 
evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for 
darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

	In this fourth woe, we see wolves in sheep's clothing.  These are 
those who pretend to be believers, and yet, in their heart they are not 
followers of God at all.  These are pretenders.  They are so involved 
in the ways of the world, they have forgotten what is good and what is 
evil.  They look at the darker side of life and call it light, because 
they are blinded.  They have eyes to see, but they do not see.  Sin is 
sometimes spoken of as the bitter cup.  Sin seems to be sweet, until 
the consequences of that sin arrive.  Then we realize that sin is a 
bitter pill.

	 Isaiah 5:21 "Woe unto [them that are] wise in their own eyes, and 
prudent in their own sight!"

	Those who are wise in their own eyes cannot learn, because they 
believe they already know everything.  You must be humble to receive 
the Lord.  To put faith in yourself, in place of faith in God, is 
destructive.  A conceited person has trouble receiving the simple good 
news of Jesus Christ.  In this scripture, "prudent" is associated with 
cunning.  This, then, is just repeating that he is wise in his own 
eyes.  This type person would see no need for salvation.   They would 
believe they could save themselves.

	Isaiah 5:22 "Woe unto [them that are] mighty to drink wine, and 
men of strength to mingle strong drink:"

	This is a problem very prominent in our society today.  This is 
someone who drinks and goes on with the daily functions of his, or her, 
life.  They would not be aware that the wine or strong drink impairs 
their thinking ability.  In fact, many of these people are deceived 
into thinking that their ability to function as a salesperson is 
improved because of their drinking.  Since alcohol of any kind dulls 
the senses, they are not able to function at full capacity, but are not 
aware of their inability.  They do not make sound decisions, because 
their thinking ability is slowed down by the drinking.

	Isaiah 5:23 "Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away 
the righteousness of the righteous from him!"

	This is speaking of bribes.  The person will pretend nothing 
wicked has happened, because they have been bought off.  This seems to 
be a judgement in favor of the wicked against the righteous, because of 
the bribe he received.  This hurts both parties.  The wicked are hurt, 
because one sin leads to another.  The righteous are hurt, because the 
truth was not accepted, and they were judged against.

	Isaiah 5:24 "Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the 
flame consumeth the chaff, [so] their root shall be as rottenness, and 
their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law 
of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel." 
	The word "therefore" shows us the connection of this Scripture 
with the previous Scriptures.  We see the judgement against the ones 
who have committed the evils.  The Hebrews were always breaking the law 
of God.  They seemed to believe that God would forgive them, even if 
they did not keep His law.  "Word", in the verse above, is speaking of 
the Word the prophets spoke under the influence of God.  You could 
class them as Words from God spoken through the prophets mouth. Burning 
the tops of these plants is sometimes done to make a better crop, but 
this speaks of total destruction of the roots, as well.  This would 
leave desolation.  This could, also, prophetically be speaking of the 
time in Israel when the law of God was disregarded, and God sent His 
Son (the living Word).  Jesus was despised and rejected.  This would 
bring great punishment.  In fact, God would turn from the house of 
Israel (physical Israel) to the Gentile believers who would become 
spiritual Israel.

	Isaiah 5:25 "Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against 
his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath 
smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases [were] torn 
in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, 
but his hand [is] stretched out still."

	Now we see the anger of the LORD and what it brings.  The sad 
thing is that the anger is vented against the LORD's own people.  They 
have been like a disobedient child.  I have always said, I would rather 
have the devil attack me, rather than feel the anger of God.  We can 
resist the devil in the name of Jesus and he will flee, but there is no 
where to hide when the anger of the LORD is against you.  There is no 
higher power than the LORD.  The specific judgement spoken by the LORD 
on these people is the soon-coming war, when they will be overcome of 
the enemy.  Looking to the shadow of the judgement at the end time 
speaks of a time of terrible unrest and war as well.  Only those who 
are sold out to the LORD will be spared this terrible holocaust.  At 
the presence of an angry LORD, even the hills tremble.  A "carcass" is 
the body of the dead.  This indicates many will die.

	Isaiah 5:26 "And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from 
far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, 
they shall come with speed swiftly:"

	This battle against God's people will not be like Sodom and 
Gomorrah, when the punishment came from the heavens from an angry God. 
This war will be waged by the nations that the LORD calls to battle. 
All leaders of every country are subject unto the LORD.  To "hiss" is a 
way of calling them.  When they are called of the LORD to battle, they 
waste no time getting there.  This war would be what we would call 33

sudden onslaught.  The ensign is of the LORD.  It would be a symbol 
(probably made of wood, or metal).  This is a recognizable emblem, very 
much like a flag.  It would not be a flag, because each country flies 
its own flag.  This Scripture has at least two prophesies.  It is 
speaking of the soon fall of these Israelites, but it also speaks of 
the gathering of the nations at the end times, as well.  This is the 
great battle that comes against the Israelites.

	Isaiah 5:27 "None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none 
shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be 
loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken:"

	This speaks of a war without stop.  It speaks of not even stopping 
at night long enough to take their shoes off.  This is speaking of an 
army ready to go and carry out the purposes God has called them to, 
even if they are unaware what the war is for.  God uses heathen people 
to carry out His wishes sometimes.  All are subject to God from the 
least to the greatest.

	Isaiah 5:28 "Whose arrows [are] sharp, and all their bows bent, 
their horses' hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like 
a whirlwind."

	This speaks of any army in readiness.  They will travel so fast 
that the dust they stir up will look like a whirlwind.  A flint is 
strong and hard.  When they are moving fast, there will not be time to 
shoe the horses.  The bow being bent indicates their readiness to 

	Isaiah 5:29 "Their roaring [shall be] like a lion, they shall roar 
like young lions: yea, they shall roar, and lay hold of the prey, and 
shall carry [it] away safe, and none shall deliver [it]."

	We find many Scriptures in the prophetic books, such as Ezekiel 
and Daniel, about those in battle being as a roaring lion.  This is 
probably speaking of the great fury when they will take Jerusalem. They 
shall suddenly jump on these people as their prey, just as a lion 
pounces on his prey.  The battle over Jerusalem was a fierce battle 
with no mercy.  I believe this is what this Scripture is saying.

	Isaiah 5:30 "And in that day they shall roar against them like the 
roaring of the sea: and if [one] look unto the land, behold darkness 
[and] sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof."

	"That day" is speaking of a specific day.  The Light is symbolic 
of God.  Jesus is the Light.  This absence of Light indicates, to me, 
that the Lord is not fighting this battle for them.  They will have to 
defend themselves without the help of the Lord.  The darkness is 
spiritual and physical.  We know there was darkness in the earth for 
three hours, when Jesus was crucified.  Darkness in the heavens shows 
great sorrow of God for what is happening.  Remember, this war is a 
product of the wrath of the Lord.

	                     Isaiah 7 Questions

1.  Woe unto them who call evil__________________.
2.  We are looking at _______________in_______________clothing.
3.  What has caused them to forget what is good?
4.  Why can they not recognize the Light?
5.  Woe unto them who are wise in their ______________eyes.
6.  What is "prudent" associated with in verse 21?
7.  What type of drinking is verse 22 speaking of?
8.  Why can a person like this not make sound decisions?
9.  What one word covers what is happening in verse 23?
10. Explain how this hurts the wicked, as well as the righteous?
11. Why are they burned as the stubble and their root become rotten?
12. What one word, in verse 24, shows connection to the previous 
13. These were Words of God spoken through the______________mouth.
14. What is a prophetic message spoken of in this verse about the
15. When the LORD's anger was kindled again His people, what did the
	hills do?
16. What is the said thing about this anger in verse 25?
17. They have been like a _______________child.
18. Who will be spared this terrible holocaust?
19. What is a "carcass"?
20. What word is used to indicate God called the nations?
21. How will the nations come?
22. How will this wrath of God differ from the wrath of God shown at 
Sodom and Gomorrah?
23. Why is an ensign raised instead of a flag?
24. What far reaching prophecy is this speaking of, in addition to the 
soon fall of Jerusalem?
25. How do we know this war will go through the night, as well as day?
26. Who are subject to God?
27. They will travel so fast their dust will look like a __________.
28. What are two other prophetic books which have Scriptures speaking 
of the army being as a roaring lion?
29. The battle over Jerusalem was a fierce battle with no__________.
30. What type of darkness is verse 30 speaking of?

